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University ID


It is the identity of the university student, and the means of identification of the registered student at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University. Obtaining the university card is mandatory for all enrolled student at the university, as well as studies by the visiting system.

The university card contains the following data:

•student name.

• Student's photo.

• Her university number.

•blood type

The number of University ID

It is the identity number of the university student, and distinguishes each student from the other, and depends on all university procedures for the student, as it is considered a substitute for the name of the student.

The university number at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University consists of 9 numbers , and the first three numbers (from the left) denote the university year (Hijri) in which the student was accepted at the university, and the fourth number is the semester in which the number was extracted, as it denotes (1) On the first semester, and (2) denotes the second semester, the last five numbers denote the serial number of the student in that year, for example, "XxxxX4341 indicates that the student started studying in 1434 AH, the first semester.

The importance of the university card:

Each student admitted to the university is granted a university card for use in the following cases:

• Proof of identity in the university city.

Borrowing from the library.

• Enter the exam room.

• Obtaining an accredited academic record and identification.

• Entering the conference hall and sports club.

The official e-mail is the student’s digital ID, which can be identified when contacting authorities within the university.

University Card controls and provisions:

1. The student at Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University is granted the first edition of the university card for free.

2. The card is issued at the IDCC Center in the A4 station (ground floor).

3. The student must keep her university card from being damaged and lost, always carry it on campus and show her to university employees on request to introduce themselves.

4. The university has the right to prevent the student from entering the university, when the university card of the responsible employee is not shown.

5. The university card is submitted to the Deanship of Admission and Registration in the following cases:

• Graduation

• Check out the file.

• The final disciplinary expelled from the university.

• The student’s visit period ends

Maintaining the card is the responsibility of the student.

7. The possession or use of a card belonging to another student or forging it, or giving the card to others to use it during study or after graduation is a violation of the university regulations, and presents the student to disciplinary procedures approved by the university administration.

8. In case of finding a lost card, it must be delivered to the office designated for receiving the lost items in the Student Services Building A4, second floor.

9. All university card controls and provisions apply to all university students

Procedures for obtaining a university card:

First: The first issue of the new student in the university

 The Deanship of Admission and Registration announces on the university’s official website a timetable for the dates of obtaining the university card for new students at the university.

2. The issuance of the university card is not accepted unless the original national identity card (for Saudi women) and the original residence card (for non-Saudi women) are used in order to verify the identity of the student.

3. The student must bring proof of blood type.

4. The new student who will join the university housing must back to the university identity center and fill out a special form (for whoever wants to live in the university) before issuing the university card and after completing the housing procedures, a university card will be issued to student .

5. A female student who is transferred from outside the university, and a female student who accepts to study under the visiting system, applies to all procedures for obtaining a university card followed at the university.

6- The university card must be preserved from damage or loss, and notification if it is lost to prevent misuse


Issuing (a lost allowance) for the university student:

(1) The continuous student: In case of losing the university card, the student is granted another alternative card according to the following procedures:

1. The student reports her card loss at the Student Affairs Office in her college “by filling out a university card application form (1). This form is an alternative to the student card” valid for two weeks.

2.You should go to the Lost and Found Office in the Student Services Building (4A), Ground Floor, Office No. (412,0) to report the lost card.

3. The student college within the college announces the loss of the university card for a period of two weeks as a minimum.

4.The  student follows up to make sure the card is found.

5. When the card is not found within two weeks, the student has to go to the Lost and Found office to have the application form stamped by the responsible employee.

6. The student goes to obtain a lost allowance from the University Identity Center; Ground floor 4A, along with bringing the original national ID of Saudi Arabia, the original residence for a non-Saudi, and paying the fees

7. If the student is late in obtaining a lost allowance for the university card two weeks after the announcement of her loss, a delay fee is paid for each week.

. To follow up on the student’s commitment to the period specified for extracting (a lost allowance), the colleges provide the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the end of each week with a list of the names of students who applied to issue a university card (a lost allowance) to follow up the request on the e-mail

9. The student pays an issuance fee (a lost allowance) for the university card as follows:

• 100 riyals (for the first time).

• 150 riyals (for the second time).

• 200 riyals (for the third time).

10 - When the card is lost for the fourth time, the student is referred for investigation, and the rules approved by the university administration and the Deanship of Admission and Registration apply to it.

11. In the event that the original card is found after obtaining a lost allowance, it must return the card to the University ID Center and she  has right to recover 50% of the fees

2) The graduate student (or whose file was withdrawn): In case the graduate lost her university card, her certificate  will be delivered according to the following procedures:

1. The student pays a fine for a lost allowance of (100) riyals, at the Accounting Office of the Admission and Registration Deanship.

2. Sign a written commitment to deliver the card in case it finds Form (2), and she has right to recover the fees in full, provided that the payment receipt is presented.

3. Highlight the payment receipt for the officials in file management.

When you find a missing university card, It must be turned over to the Lost and Found office of the A4 station.

Third: Issuing (a damaged allowance) for the university card:

1. The student goes to the Student Affairs Office in her college and completes a form (1) requesting a university card.

2. The student will go to the University Identity Center with the application form, provided that the damaged card is presented, the original national ID of the Saudi student, and the original residence of the non-Saudi student.

3. A damaged card replacement will be extracted after paying the fees, the amount of which is (50) riyals.

Fourth: Issuing the card in the event of modifying one of the student's details:

1. The student submits to the office responsible for amending the data in the Deanship of Admission and Registration, requesting to amend her data and with the documents required for the amendment and the original national identity.

2. If the amendment of the data results in the change of the university card, the student must go to the admission agent of the application for the issuance of a university card on the condition: Bring the first university card, the original national ID of the Saudi student, and the original residence of the non-Saudi student.

Not holding a university card in the various university facilities; The student presents to withhold some services

To inquire and communicate with the University Identity Department

Station (4), ground floor

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Phone 0118243570, 0118243499, 0118242592