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Deanship’s Vice-Rectorate for Development and Quality

The Vice-Rectorate adopts the application of quality in all units of the deanship to improve performance in all administrative and academic fields of work, develop regulations that identify how work is performed based on the best efficiency and quality level and evaluate performance in accordance with approved and defined standards.

1.Supervise the following administrative units administratively and technically: Performance Assessment and Quality Assurance Unit, Measurement and Assessment Unit, Accreditation and Training Programs Unit and Training Information and Professional Education Unit, library and sources of training.
2.Participate in the Deanship’s Council.
3.Oversee operations of determining training needs and measuring the effect of training.
4.Supervise the development of the quarterly and annual training plans of deanship for the different administrative units in the university.
5.Oversee execution of the work programs administratively and financially in accordance with the deanship’s annual plan.
6.Supervise the preparation of the annual operative plans of the deanship in the context of university developmental strategies and plans and the processes of different planning, prior-planning processes, processes of preparing and creating plans and pre-planning required to be performed through coordination with other vice-rectorates.
7.Oversee the application of training indicators of the training system in the deanship, and analyze results and employ it in the training process development.
8.Oversees the planning studies that serve management and its future plans to identify quantitative and qualitative growth pathways of training in the light of local variables.
9.Supervise the development and follow-up of applying the deanship’s organizational structure and guidelines and submit remarks, inquiries and proposals to the dean.
10.Oversee streamlining of administrative procedures in the deanship, prepare its own guidelines, design the used forms and follow up on their execution.
11.Supervise designing, applying and developing the deanship’s organizational guidelines and procedures in coordination with the relative units.
12.Oversee the improvement of work environment and distributing suitable places to the Deanship’s Vice-Rectorates and its units in order to fulfill job satisfaction and achieve the required work.
13.Take part in preparation of the deanship’s annual budget with respect to financing programs and projects of annual plans with the relative bodies.
14.Prepare regular reports for the operative deanship plans, activities and achievements of the deanship as well as performance constraints and methods for overcoming them.
15.Supervise the organization of transactions and information of Vice-Rectorate and maintain it in a manner that allows the easy and smooth access to it.
16.Participate in the committees and meetings related to the activities of the Vice-Rectorate.
17.Prepare the assessment of job performance of the Vice-Rectorate’s staff and submit it to the dean.
18.Respond to letters addressed to the Vice-Rectorate and follow up on its export from the deanship.
19.Identify training needs and administrative and technical requirements of the Vice-Rectorate and follow up their provision.
20.Prepare regular reports concerning activities and achievements of the Vice-Rectorate, performance constraints as well as methods of overcoming it and submitting it to the concerned bodies.
21.Spread the concept of quality and its culture within the deanship.
22.Any other tasks entrusted within its scope of work.