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BA Degree Program in Islamic Studies

 Program Overview:
The Department of Islamic Studies was first established in the College of Education, in 1390H, then it was followed by the Department of Qura'an and Islamic Studies in the College of Teachers, and after that the Department of Islamic Studies in the College of Arts in 1399H. In 1433H, these departments were all integrated into one in the College of Arts in Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University. 
Admission Requirements: 

1-      The student must be a Saudi national.

2-      The student has a high school certificate from a Saudi school or an equal one.

3-      High school graduation year should not exceed 5 years.

4-      Each student (whether graduated from a local high school, a foreign one, or studied national or international programs) must take the General Aptitude Test (GAT) and an Academic Achievement Test from the National Center for Assessment.

5-      The student must pass any required interview or placement test.

6-      The student must be medically fit.

7-      The student must meet any acceptance criteria announced or set by the University Board during the application process.

8-      The student must not be registered, accepted,  previously dismissed for disciplinary misconduct, or previously obtained a bachelor's degree from any public or private university in Saudi Arabia. If proven otherwise, the university may cancel the acceptance.

9-      The student must not have any previous record in the university and must not have ever obtained any degree from the Community College.

Teaching Methods:

1-      Lectures.

2-      Questions and answers.

3-      Videos.

4-      Charts.

5-      Assisted material.

6-      Group discussions.

7-      Reports.

8-      Research.

9-      Individual and group assignments.

10-  Self-learning.

Curriculum Study Plan: 
Click here to view the study plan Islamic study plan.pdf
Career Opportunities:

Graduates' career opportunities include working for the following sectors:

1-      Ministry of Justice.

2-      Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.

3-      Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Da'wah, and Guidance.

4-      Ministry of Health.

5-      Charitable Association for the Memorization of the Holy Quran.

6-      Private Consultation Centers.

7-      Worldwide Association for Introducing Islam.

8-      Ministry of Education.

9-      Ministry of Civil Service. ​