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Vice Deanship of Postgraduates and Scientific Researches
Research Centre


The Research Center of College of Medicine is under the vice rector of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Medicine at Princes Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University. It is established to support Princess Nourah University ambition to be one of the top-notch levels of the international university through providing high quality cutting-edge medical research projects.

The research center aims to stimulate college of medicine researchers to excel and innovate in the field of scientific researches. It is also interested in encouraging scientific cooperation and inviting distinguished scientific researchers locally and internationally to exchange information and expertise and providing scientific assistance to researchers.

College of Medicine Research Center includes the Scientific Committee which is responsible for reviewing the research proposal prior to their submission to the institutional review board committee in the Deanship of Scientific Research.  The Research Center also includes the Statistics Support Unit.​

The Research Center is interested in empowering the research skills of the college of medicine faculty members and the students by providing a series of lectures and workshops in research skills development and supporting services in scientific research given by distinguished scientific researchers.


College of medicine research center organizes students scientific research day and encourage students to participate in scientific research. It also provides programs and research opportunities.