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Student clubs

 Engineering Club for Female Students

 Our ambitions: 

1.-Development of individual skills.

 2- Support, contain and discover ideas, skills, talents and creative activities aimed at raising scientific and professional qualification in the engineering field.

 3. -Exchange of experiences and cooperation between the departments of the college and the various colleges of engineering at the level of the Kingdom.

 4- Investing students 'spare time in projects that will benefit them, raise their potential and abilities, and enhance their roles as effective individuals wherever they are.

 5.-Enhancing the spirit of volunteering, initiative, giving and social responsibility among female students.

6. - Consolidating the relationship between the college students at different levels of study and for the exchange of experiences and providing a scientific and social environment for the female students to help in breaking out of the usual routine of studying in an innovative way.

 7.-Linking female students of the College of Engineering with the labor market through visits and hosting experiences in the college.

 8.- Holding scientific and cultural events and courses to introduce the various engineering fields.

 9.-Encouraging female students to participate in scientific research.

 10.- Supporting female students by all available means, to develop their talents and abilities through courses and activities.

 11.- Participation in local and international engineering competitions.

12.- Contributing to the development of the students 'engineering sense and strengthening their sense of belonging.

 Academic Committee of the Engineering Club:

 The Academic Committee of the College of Engineering Club includes groups that are:

Group of innovations and inventions:

The tasks of this group are summarized in:

 1.-Encouraging female students to think about engineering projects and inventions.

 2.-Converting good and innovative ideas into practical projects.

 3.- Urging female students to present their previously completed projects and work on developing the innovative ones.

4.-Writing a report on every completed project.

2. Scientific Research Group: And the tasks of this group are summarized in:

 1.- Activate IEEE chapter / ASME chapter ...

 2- Urging female students to conduct scientific research and raising their requirements to the library and the concerned authorities in the college.

 3.- Activating the Journal of Engineering Sciences.

4.-Urging students to write summaries of completed scientific project reports and publish them in various scientific journals.


3. Student Counseling Group:

The tasks of this group are summarized in:

1.- Activate academic advising for new students.

2.- Holding workshops in the engineering field to assist students in determining specialization.


 4. Scientific Activity Group:

The tasks of this group are summarized in:

1.- Activate specialized student competitions.

 2.- Engaging female students to work with the Saudi Council of Engineers.

3- Activating programs for female students to learn the procedures and mechanisms for obtaining patents.

4. - A permanent exhibition to display the practical projects of the club's students.


5. The practical activity group

The  tasks of this group are summarized in:

 1.- Organizing scientific visits for female students to companies, factories, and various engineering sectors in the Kingdom.

 2. - Conducting seminars and inviting engineers and experts in engineering fields.

 3.-Determine the material costs required for all club activities and raise them to the officials in charge of the club.

4.- Advertising and announcing the club and its various activities.

 5.-Posting everything new on social pages.




 Organizational structure of the engineering club:

 Supervision Committee:

Dr. Samia Larqash: Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department The club

The club president is one of the students:

Quality CommitteeReem Asiri - Anoud Al-Harishi
Public Relations CommitteeSadeem Al-Hawerini
logistics committeeLama AlHamad
Publicity and Media CommitteeHadeel Modhesh
Project Management Committee

Bushra Al-Alami


 1. Achievements of the Female Engineering Club

 CE Conference / CompetitionAchievements
1the Health Innovation HackathonData Science First Place
2Noura innovatesFirst place - Industrial models at the level of the College of Computer and Information Sciences
3the simulation competitionFirst place in the simulation competition advertisement
4the Distinguished ClubsThe club won the Distinguished Clubs Shield of Excellence



For contact:

Engineering Club: Dr.. Lamia Othman: 38164

Sports Club: a. Fatima Najrani: 37425