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Total area on campus covered in forest vegetation


Princess Nourah University planted trees of native species giving priority to the pioneer and promising species of the forest. These trees are expected to contribute to the restoration and recovery of the ecosystems of the territory of our university.

The forests of Kasetsart University play an important role as sources of water, conservation of plants and animals, etc.

Total area: 8.450.000 m2

Total distance/circumference: 4.84 km

Total area on campus covered in forest (percentage ) is: 158.606.5 m2 in percentage 25%​


Get several types of different annual flower seedlings, cacti, outdoor perennials, and small trees​​
As it has been coordinated and cooperated with the General Department of Parks and Community Service in the Riyadh City Secretariat to obtain various types of different annual flower seedlings, cacti, outdoor perennials and small trees to be grown for about ( 90) students among fourth-level students in the Department of Biology within two weeks at a rate of one hour per day, under the supervision of Dr. Arwa Abdul Karim Al-Hukail.​

This comes in line with the Kingdom's strategies towards the environment and the restoration of vegetation in Riyadh to reduce the damage related to the drought and its negative effects, such as an influential environmental mission and social responsibility to activate the role of students in society inside and outside the college and university.

14 students were assigned to attend the various campaigns and events and participate in applied activities such as afforestation. To increase green areas within the university and educate them on home gardening methods, plus a science tour to learn about the Department of Biology laboratories and herbal plants at the university. Read more...