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Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit

​​The Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit was introduced in 1437 AH, since specialization in teaching Arabic as a second language is a rare specialization that needs follow-up and qualification for scientific research, as well as an accurate plan for that.


The Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit is the point of contact between the Institute and the university's Vice-Rectorate for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, as it is concerned with following up all that is related to postgraduate students at the Institute. In addition to its contribution to the preparation of qualified cadres, through the supervision of the internal and external scholarship process for faculty members, and the promotion of scientific research by organizing forums, specialized research seminars and scientific meetings.


The Unit is divided into several units, including:


  • Postgraduate Studies Unit.
  • Scientific Research Unit.
  • Scholarships Unit.
  • Library Unit.