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1Key trends in big data analysis techniques and tools5/1/1438E

Introduction to Business Intelligence and Analysis.

What is business intelligence and analysis.

What are the basic components of intelligence at work and what are its techniques.

What is the area of analytics capabilities.

Who are the pioneers in selling software today ?

How and why has the change been made ?

What are the key trends driving the market.

Collage of Computer and Information SciencesExpert: Rita SalamKey trends in big data analysisActivating business intelligence and analyzing big data in academic work
2Smart Cities23/6/1438

Smart Cities and Urban Computing.

Intelligent mobility and spaces between the sexes.

Mazarin Crowd Spacing app.

Smart Health Smart Urban Design Platforms Sustainability in Smart City Design.

Collage of Computer and Information Sciences

Dr.Areej AlWabel

Al-Jawhara Al-Fayez

Al-Anood Al-Hammoud

Jumana Al-Mahmoud

Setah al-Mashari

Smart CitiesActivating research in the field of smart cities in the academic field
3Scientific Research Day14/8/1438

The word of Dr. Dr.  Ohood   Alfares.

The word of Dr. Hoda Al Wahaibi.

The word of Dr. Areej alKhalf.

Introducing and assisting the services of the research center and the Deanship of Scientific Research, provided by the Director of the Research Center.

A lecture. Dr. Hind Al-Khalifa.

View the research center's girlfriends.

Graduation projects competition.

Evaluating projects. Honoring the winning projects.

Research groups presentations.

Collage of Computer and Information Sciences

Dr.Huda Al-Wahabi

Dr.  Areej Al-Khalaf

Dr. Dr.  Ohood   Alfares

Dr. Hind al-Khalifa

Dr. May  Dailij

Dr. Nour Aini Abdul Rashid

Dr. Mariam Hajiuni

Students of college graduation projects

Friends of the Research Center

Shroog AlSenan

Scientific Research Day of the Research Center at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information

Introducing the services of the Research Center and the Deanship of Scientific Research

Graduation Projects Competition

Honoring winning projects

Research Group Offers

4Meet the next generation of virtual reality

Wednesday 12-1-1439E

From 9am-2pm

Virtual reality roles in medicine and healthcare.

Virtual reality and burn treatment.

facial recognition in the wild.

Collage of Computer and Information Sciences

Wadih al-Halabi

Hunter Hoffman

-Mohammed AbdulMutallab

    • Virtual Reality Roles in Medicine and Healthcare

Virtual reality, a non-pharmacological analgesic assist for pediatric and adult burns patients in SaudiArabia

Identifying faces in the wild AND




9-10 a.m.

How cloud computing and its technologies transform the world.

Opportunities for women to lead these transformations.

Collage of Computer and Information Sciences

Theresa Calaros

Dean of the Collage of Computer and Information Sciences

Dr.  Ohood   Alfares

How cloud computing and its technologies transform the world

Opportunities for women to lead these transformations