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Brief About Department

General Objective

Securing the university's needs of furniture, equipment or devices through direct purchase or competitions. This comes in accordance with the system of governmental competitions and purchases and its executive regulations. In addition, there should be a follow up on project contracts and tenders.


Main Tasks

  1. 1.Preparing five-year and annual plans of the department activities in addition to following up on their implementation after their approval.
  2. 2.Developing a program for the annual needs of items and duties in coordination with the different administrative units at the university, then, submitting this program to the general director of administrative and financial affairs to be approved by the authorized person.
  3. 3.Participating with the department in setting specifications and conditions for the materials and duties to be secured or implemented.
  4. 4.Fulfilling all the executive tasks related to purchasing the required materials, equipment, and devices as well as renting floors and maintaining contracts in accordance with the system and procedures.
  5. 5.Completing the competition documents after receiving them from the relevant bodies.
  6. 6.Carrying out all executive tasks related to services and construction competitions in accordance with the system and procedures.
  7. 7.Performing procedures of advertising and invitations for competitions, arranging meetings with contractors and suppliers and answering their inquiries before opening the envelopes.
  8. 8.Participating in duties related to competition analysis.
  9. 9.Completing the contracting procedures after deciding on the body in charge.
  10. 10.Drafting contracts along with the Department of Legal Affairs and working on their signature by the authorized person. Then, notifying the relevant bodies.
  11. 11.Issuing supply orders to suppliers and informing the relevant bodies.
  12. 12.Executing direct purchases when necessary.
  13. 13.Keeping the necessary files for suppliers, contractors, and consultants.
  14. 14.Knowing the movement of prices in the market and maintaining organized files (for catalogs) as well as price lists issued by the producing companies. This enables the issuance of sound judgments regarding the fairness of prices offered by suppliers whether this is for local or international purchases.
  15. 15.Keeping files and records related to the regular procurement procedures such as the record of contracts, the record of monitoring letters of guarantee, and others.
  16. 16.Following up on the powers of the initial letters of guarantee and renewing them when necessary.
  17. 17.Receiving the samples of suppliers and contractors and keeping them till making decisions regarding the offers.
  18. 18.Preparing for sale by public auction in order to clear out the damaged and discarded items in addition to suggesting the formation of special committees related to this issue.
  19. 19.Participating in setting the policy of clearing out surplus materials in the warehouse by counting them and then taking the legal procedures for selling them regularly.
  20. 20.Taking part in registering the committees that officials seek to form before opening the envelopes.​
