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The Regulations of participating in international conferences

​​​The participation costs of local and international conferences are on the university's expense according to the eligibility requirements stated in the following regulations:
1- The applicant must fill the electronic form of the Electronic Conference and seminar System of the Ministry of Education; the department and college must also activate the electronic approval on the same system based on the approval of the concerned department and faculty boards.
2- the application should be raised for approval to the president of the university by the VP of postgraduate studies and then the administration of conferences and seminars should electronically activate their approval on the ministry's system to get the approval of the concerned authority in the ministry of education.
 3. After obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Education, a letter of order is sent to the member from the vice dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research to the Department of Human Resources with regular approvals.
4- A letter from the vice dean Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is then addressed to the Department of Human Resources regarding the assignment allowance of the member after the completion of attendance or participation at the expense of the university with the regular justifications.


