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Standing Committee for Teaching Assistants and Lectures
Committee Tasks


Based on point 3 of the regulations list of the affairs of Saudi faculty members in universities, the committee's tasks are:


1. Propose a policy for selecting assistants, lecturers, language teachers and assistant researchers and distributing them to departments and colleges.

2. Give an opinion on the recommendations issued by the college boards on hiring of assistants, lecturers, language teachers and assistant researchers in accordance with the following criteria:

• The number of Saudi faculty members and their percentage of the total number of faculty members in the department and their exact specialties, and their teaching burdens.

• Number of lecturers, assistants, language teachers and assistant researchers in the department.

• Number of scholarships from the department, their exact specialties, and the expected dates of their return.

3. Propose the distribution of assistants, lecturers, language teachers and assistant researchers as needed by current and future departments.

4. Recommending the promotion of the teaching assistant to lecturer.

5. Recommend a change or correction of specialization.
