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Continuous Professional Development
​Course NameVenueCoarse languageDuration of the Course



Course Brief/Objectives
Patient Safety and Risk ManagementCPD Platform



3 HoursAll healthcare providers

-        Promote Safer Care, no blame, excellent patient experience and, zero harm practices.

-        Analyze the adverse to identify areas for improvement in the healthcare system.

-        Identify the quality and patient safety measures to prevent the adverse events.

-        Identify the never events list.

-        Understand the link between the safety incident reporting.

-        Promote best practices and improvement of patient safety and risk management in healthcare organization.

Principle of Airway Management and Mechanical VentilationSSDC



8 Hours

Undergraduate students

College of Medicine

Anesthesia technologist

Respiratory Therapist


-        Define difficult airway, difficult endotracheal intubation, and difficult laryngeal mask airway

-        Evaluate and assess the airway

-        Utilize predictive tests for difficult airway and anticipated airway

-        General physiologic principles of mechanical ventilation

-        Recognize the different modes-types of ventilator support, adjusting the ventilator settings

Research in Simulation Based on Medical EducationSSDC



8 Hours


Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Faculty involved in Simulation Activities


-        Describe the scientific principles and rules for research in medical education and simulation

-        Describe the scientific method of research in SBME

-        Identify research areas in SBME

-        Describe the basic concepts of biostatistics and their application in SBME research

-        Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative methodology

IV Cannulation Simulation CorseSSDC



8 Hours

Medical and Nursing


Anesthesia technologist and Technician


Healthcare Provider

This one-day workshop will take place at Princess Norah university. You will be instructed on how to perform intravenous cannulation. After practicing the skill on a manikin, you will have the opportunity to cannulate VR simulator and phantom gel
Basic Airway Management CourseSSDC



5 Hours


Undergraduate students from healthcare colleges

This course will be covering the basic respiratory tools – patient assessment and daises,

All Health care colleges they have to know the basic respiratory care management that they can provide in any area in the hospital, after the course the student will be able to use oxygen devices that will benefit them in dealing with lung diseases.

Basic Mechanical Ventilation CourseSSDC



8 Hours

Postgraduate healthcare providers

ICU and ER nurses

Physicians R1 &R2


-        Demonstrate the uses of mechanical ventilation mode, indication and contraindication

-        Conduct calculation and parameters analysis of mechanical ventilation

-        Apply the technique for inserting ETT and setting the mode correctly

-        Recall the principles of mechanical ventilation

-        Read and confirm of CXR and ETT position

Art of briefing and Debriefing in SimulationSSDC



8 Hours

Simulation Educators

Clinical Educators

Clinicians from any Profession

-        Describe the components of briefing and building a psychologically safe and engaging learning experience

-        Identify learners' performance gaps

-        Apply appropriate debriefing strategy to close performance gaps

-        Practice debriefing with good judgment

ECG interpretationSSDC



7 HoursAll healthcare providersThe ECG course is to enhance the knowledge for all healthcare provider to understand the ECG interpretation, conduction system of the heart, definition of action potential addition, analyzing the arrhythmia to recognize the myocardial inflation and ischemia.
Point of Care Ultrasound CourseSSDC



9 HoursJunior healthcare providersThe Point of Care Ultrasound Basic Course is a one-day introductory course that covers the essential applications of point-of-care ultrasound. The course is arranged so that FOCUSED lectures are given over short period of time (15-20 minutes) but boosted with intensive hands-on experience.
How to Write an Effective Simulation CurriculumSSDC



8 HoursMinistry of Health employees.

-        Identify the 6 steps in writing the simulation curriculum

-        Write effective goals and objectives clearly and based on the learner needs.

-        Differentiate between different teaching methods and their indications.

-        Design a simulation curriculum by integrating the six steps into the simulation

-        curriculum template.

-        Design an effective simulation scenario based on the selected course objectives.

Kinesiology Taping CourseSSDC



8 Hours

Internship Student

Occupational Therapist

Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy Internship students

-        Describe the concept of Kinesiology Taping.

-        Explain and apply the concepts of the Kinesiology Taping method.

-        Recognize the principles of Kinesiology Taping applications

-        Be familiar with the major physiological effects of Kinesiology Taping.

-        Demonstrate application skills during the lab sessions.

-        Practice the various cutting techniques and their clinical applications.

-        Apply Kinesiology Taping methods for pain, swelling, joint mobility and stability.

-        Apply various taping techniques for treatment of the spine and upper/lower extremity dysfunctions.

-        Link current evidence pertinent to Kinesiology Taping.

Nursing Medication Management





8 Hours

Senior Nurses

Junior Nurses

Nursing Mangers

Nursing Students

-        Manage high alert medication (calculation/ administration)

-        Improve quality of life for patient s and decrease their length of admission at the hospital

-        Reduce incidence of harmful medication errors to patients

-        Increase their ability to do right decisions in medication management

For any inquiries:

To register for the training courses:


Course NameVenueCoarse languageDuration of the Course



Course Brief/Objectives
Patient Safety and Risk ManagementCPD Platform



3 HoursAll healthcare providers

-        Promote Safer Care, no blame, excellent patient experience and, zero harm practices.

-        Analyze the adverse to identify areas for improvement in the healthcare system.

-        Identify the quality and patient safety measures to prevent the adverse events.

-        Identify the never events list.

-        Understand the link between the safety incident reporting.

-        Promote best practices and improvement of patient safety and risk management in healthcare organization.

Principle of Airway Management and Mechanical VentilationSSDC



8 Hours

Undergraduate students

College of Medicine

Anesthesia technologist

Respiratory Therapist


-        Define difficult airway, difficult endotracheal intubation, and difficult laryngeal mask airway

-        Evaluate and assess the airway

-        Utilize predictive tests for difficult airway and anticipated airway

-        General physiologic principles of mechanical ventilation

-        Recognize the different modes-types of ventilator support, adjusting the ventilator settings

Research in Simulation Based on Medical EducationSSDC



8 Hours


Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Faculty involved in Simulation Activities


-        Describe the scientific principles and rules for research in medical education and simulation

-        Describe the scientific method of research in SBME

-        Identify research areas in SBME

-        Describe the basic concepts of biostatistics and their application in SBME research

-        Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative methodology

IV Cannulation Simulation CorseSSDC



8 Hours

Medical and Nursing


Anesthesia technologist and Technician


Healthcare Provider

This one-day workshop will take place at Princess Norah university. You will be instructed on how to perform intravenous cannulation. After practicing the skill on a manikin, you will have the opportunity to cannulate VR simulator and phantom gel
Basic Airway Management CourseSSDC



5 Hours


Undergraduate students from healthcare colleges

This course will be covering the basic respiratory tools – patient assessment and daises,

All Health care colleges they have to know the basic respiratory care management that they can provide in any area in the hospital, after the course the student will be able to use oxygen devices that will benefit them in dealing with lung diseases.

Basic Mechanical Ventilation CourseSSDC



8 Hours

Postgraduate healthcare providers

ICU and ER nurses

Physicians R1 &R2


-        Demonstrate the uses of mechanical ventilation mode, indication and contraindication

-        Conduct calculation and parameters analysis of mechanical ventilation

-        Apply the technique for inserting ETT and setting the mode correctly

-        Recall the principles of mechanical ventilation

-        Read and confirm of CXR and ETT position

Art of briefing and Debriefing in SimulationSSDC



8 Hours

Simulation Educators

Clinical Educators

Clinicians from any Profession

-        Describe the components of briefing and building a psychologically safe and engaging learning experience

-        Identify learners' performance gaps

-        Apply appropriate debriefing strategy to close performance gaps

-        Practice debriefing with good judgment

ECG interpretationSSDC



7 HoursAll healthcare providersThe ECG course is to enhance the knowledge for all healthcare provider to understand the ECG interpretation, conduction system of the heart, definition of action potential addition, analyzing the arrhythmia to recognize the myocardial inflation and ischemia.
Point of Care Ultrasound CourseSSDC



9 HoursJunior healthcare providersThe Point of Care Ultrasound Basic Course is a one-day introductory course that covers the essential applications of point-of-care ultrasound. The course is arranged so that FOCUSED lectures are given over short period of time (15-20 minutes) but boosted with intensive hands-on experience.
How to Write an Effective Simulation CurriculumSSDC



8 HoursMinistry of Health employees.

-        Identify the 6 steps in writing the simulation curriculum

-        Write effective goals and objectives clearly and based on the learner needs.

-        Differentiate between different teaching methods and their indications.

-        Design a simulation curriculum by integrating the six steps into the simulation

-        curriculum template.

-        Design an effective simulation scenario based on the selected course objectives.

Kinesiology Taping CourseSSDC



8 Hours

Internship Student

Occupational Therapist

Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy Internship students

-        Describe the concept of Kinesiology Taping.

-        Explain and apply the concepts of the Kinesiology Taping method.

-        Recognize the principles of Kinesiology Taping applications

-        Be familiar with the major physiological effects of Kinesiology Taping.

-        Demonstrate application skills during the lab sessions.

-        Practice the various cutting techniques and their clinical applications.

-        Apply Kinesiology Taping methods for pain, swelling, joint mobility and stability.

-        Apply various taping techniques for treatment of the spine and upper/lower extremity dysfunctions.

-        Link current evidence pertinent to Kinesiology Taping.

Nursing Medication Management





8 Hours

Senior Nurses

Junior Nurses

Nursing Mangers

Nursing Students

-        Manage high alert medication (calculation/ administration)

-        Improve quality of life for patient s and decrease their length of admission at the hospital

-        Reduce incidence of harmful medication errors to patients

-        Increase their ability to do right decisions in medication management

For any inquiries:

To register for the training courses:

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