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Lucas sequence and some of its properties20211In this work we study Lucas sequence and some of its properties. أ.د. فدوى أبو مريفة
Fibonacci sequence and some of its properties.20211In this work we study Fibonacci sequence and some of its properties.أ.د. فدوى أبو مريفة
Lie Symmetry Methods for First Order Differential Equations20211 In this research, we start with a general introduction to symmetries. In the second chapter, we fix the basic definitions used throughout this research, the third chapter we will provide techniques which allow us to solve ODEs by using Lie's method. And deals with transformation of variables and the most important idea in this chapter is canonical coordinates. In particular, how one may solve ODEs by using canonical coordinate. The fourth chapter we showed some application, the first one is finding orthogonal trajecto- ries to a family of curves using canonical coordinates. And the second is a model which describes HIV transmission. Finally, we review these results, give concluding comments and discusses future work.د.سناء زارع
Numerical Solutions to Nonlinear Systems of Equations by Using Steepest Descent Technique-HOMOTOPY and Continuation Methods.20211 In this project, we proffer and analyze two iterative methods of numerical approximation techniques to solve the system of Non-linear equations these two methods are Steepest Descent Technique and HOMOTOPY and Continuation Method. We provide these methods in detail with examples. Also, comparison between these two methods with an example. We write some applications of a system of nonlinear equations in our life. We use MATLAP and Mathematica software packages for Iterative solutions.د.سناء زارع
Operation Research in aviation industry (Transportation-Assignment methods, TOPSIS)20211 This project will consider the role of the Operations Research (OR) in aviation industry. We will apply booth Transportation and Assignment methods to minimize the cost in aviation industry. We will also use a Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to make a perfect decision when choosing different airlines companies. Also contains related concepts and examples for each case.د.سناء زارع
Semihypergroups(1)20211The concept of a semihypergroup is a generalization of the concept of a semigroup. In a semigroup, the composition of two elements is an element, while in a semihypergroup, the composition of two elements is a non-empty set. In this project we study (regular, breakable, semi-symmetric) semihypergroups and provide many examples.د. نبيلة أبو غزالة
Semihypergroups(2)20211The concept of a semihypergroup is a generalization of the concept of a semigroup. In a semigroup, the composition of two elements is an element, while in a semihypergroup, the composition of two elements is a non-empty set. In this project we study semihypergroups, we provide many examples on semihypergroups. We define scalars, identities, and regular elements in semihypergroups. Many examples are provided.د. نبيلة أبو غزالة
BOOLAEN ALGEBRA 20211This section deals with mathematical objects called Boolean algebras,
defined in full generality as any model of the Boolean laws.
In the chapter one we purposed the basic operations and laws and given
some examples, then in chapter two we talk about logic gates.
The logic operations AND, OR, and NOT define the input/output
relationships of logic components called gates, from which digital
systems arent e implem ed. A Boolean algebra defined in terms of these
operations provides a tool for manipulating Boolean functions in
designing digital logic circuits.
د.نازك العيسى
 20211In this work we forecast the prospective daily number of COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia. The data used refer the daily and cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and are collected from the official website of Saudi Ministry of Health. By using the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) coded in Python we created a date-based statically model which has proven to be effective in predicting short-time forecast.د. عبير الشجاري
Pell’s equation20211Pell’s equation is a Diophantine equation. The study has been done to find solutions to that equation using infinite continuous fractions. And we given some examplesد.أمل الراشد
Excel و R: الإحصاء الوصفي باستخدام برنامجي20211يهدف هذا البحث تسهيل وتوفير بعض ما يلزم الباحث من الأساليب الإحصائية والرياضية في تنظيم البيانات الإحصائية في جداول، وحساب من خلالها المقاييس الإحصائية، و منها مقاييس النزعة المركزية و مقاييس التشتت و طرق عرضها بيانيا باستخدام برنامجي التحليل الإحصائي.Excel و R د. نجلاء قرملة
A review of the student's t distribution and it's applications20211The Student’s t distribution is a continuous distribution that is widely used in different fields. The distribution can be used as a substitute to the normal distribution in statistical modeling in data with heavy tails.
This project provides a review in Student’s t distribution and its properties.A real data example is given to show its importance in statistical modeling.
د. فاطمة الأشولي
Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 With Vaccine20211Mathematical models play an important rule for understanding the biological and epidemiological environment problems. In this project we considered mathematical model of three differential equations for a vaccine COVID-19 by applying the SIR model, then we found the equilibrium positive points and the Jacobian matrix for the given system at each equilibrium point. finally we studied the local stability at the equilibrium points.د.منار القضاة
مقدمة عن السلاسل الزمنية بأعداد صحيحة20211يعتبر تحليل السلاسل الزمنية من أهم أساليب الاستدلال الإحصائي، وتعتبر نماذج بوكس وجنكنز من أكثر الطرق شيوعًا لتحليل السلاسل الزمنية، وغالباً ما تفترض هذه النماذج أن البيانات تتبع توزيع طبيعي متعدد المتغيرات او يمكن تحويلها الى هذا التوزيع وقد لا تكون هذه الطريقة مناسبة لتحليل بعض البيانات، مثل بيانات الأعداد الصحيحة لذا ظهرت الحاجة لتقديم نماذج بديلة وقد نشرت عدة أبحاث تقدم نماذج بديلة لنماذج بوكس وجنكنز تأخذ أعداد صحيحة وتتفق مع نماذج بوكس وجنكنز من حيث خصائص الانحدار الذاتي، ومن بين هذه النماذج نماذج الإنحدار الذاتي بأعداد صحيحة، وقد تطرقنا في هذا البحث لمقدمة عن السلاسل الزمنية بأعداد صحيحة مع التركيز على نموذج الانحدار الذاتي من الرتبة الاولى بقيم صحيحة وتم تطبيقه في حالة توزيع بواسون ومقارنته بالنموذج الطبيعي.د. ام السعد حمود
Applications of Fourier Series to Differential Equations20211Fourier theory was initially investigated to solve certain differential equations. Therefore, it is of no surprise that Fourier series are widely used for seeking solutions to various ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs). In this work, we consider applications of Fourier series to the solution of ODEs and the most well-known PDEs: The heat and wave equations. Moreover, some examples have been solved analytically and graphically.د.شرين السبع
Sturm –Liouville Problem20211The main objective of this research is to present the Strum-Liouville problem, which is a problem of accessing values and eigenfunctions in a boundary value problem.In fact, it is a linear second-order differential equation and has two boundary conditions. We have also presented some special cases of this problem, which are related to some special functions, for example: Bessell functions.  Legendre ‎ polynomials and Hermite polynomialsد. هاله حسين
On Bayesian Estimation of Burr Type XII Distribution20211In this project, the problem of estimation of the parameters of Burr Type XII distribution is considered based on complete sample. The maximum likelihood and Bayes methods of estimation are used for this purpose. Based on the Monte Carlo simulation, Bayes estimators are compared with their corresponding maximum likelihood estimators.د.هبه شوقي
Numerical Solution of Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation Using Monte Carlo and Multilevel Monte Carlo Schemes20211 In this project, we considered the analysis of, the most widely stochastic methods, the Monte Carlo MC and the Multilevel Monte Carlo MLMC schemes. MC and MLMC methods have been applied to the one-dimensional advection-diffusion-reaction equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and different random initial condition. The numerical solution was obtained for this equation using the exponential time differencing ETD, MC and MLMC methods. The relationship between the variance of the samples and the levels   was obtained.د. عائشة القحطاني
The Standard Monte Carlo and The Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods20211Abstract : In this work, we first give some background material to the stochastic methods, the theory of probability, the standard Monte Carlo method (MC) and the Multilevel Monte Carlo method (MLMC). MC and MLMC are both stochastic methods so that they have been applied to the one-dimensional Diffusion-Advection-Reaction equation with random initial condition to get the expectation of the solution which is obtained using the exponential time differencing ETD scheme and the finite difference method. We choose the MC and MLMC methods because we have here a random initial condition. In addition, some proofs of convergence have been provided to support the use of the MLMC method.د. عائشة القحطاني
 مقدمة في الإحصاءات الترتيبية 20211يدرس البحث مبادئ الإحصاءات الترتيبية لما لها من أهمية في افرع الإحصاء المختلفة حيث ان لها دور مهم في الاستدلال الإحصائي خاصة اللامعلمي لأنها لا تعتمد على التوزيعات التي اخذت منها العينة كما انها تستخدم في الإختبارات الإحصائية المتنوعة في الحياة التطبيقية ويتكون هذا البحث من فصلين حيث يتضمن الفصل الأول صيغ عامة لدوال توزيع الإحصاءات الترتيبية. أما الفصل الثاني تم إيجاد دوال الإحصاءات الترتيبية للتوزيع الأسي والتي سبق دراستها في الفصل الأول.د.نائلة الغفيلي
Introduction to Boolean Algebra and its applications:20211In this study, we shed light briefly on Boolean algebra and some of its important applications. This topic has importance in many mathematical and applied fields. The study included definitions, basic concepts and most important properties of Boolean algebra with many examples of it. We deal with Field of sets as a typical example of Boolean algebra. We also presented some algebraic aspects of Boolean algebra as subalgebra, homomorphism, isomorphism and representation theorem for finite case. We explained how to define a partial order relation on Boolean algebra using binary operations. Finally, we illustrate using of Boolean algebra to design logic and electrical circuits, with some examples of them.د. ايمان غريب​​
